Biathlon Sask Fish Fry

Biathlon Sask Fish Fry 2019.jpg


Biathlon Saskatchewan’s major sponsor, Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, will be hosting a FISH FRY on January 25 at the Moose Jaw Wildlife Federation building.  All proceeds from this meal will be donated to Biathlon Saskatchewan.  This is a huge opportunity for our organization as this fundraiser has raised upwards of $6000 in the past.  It is important that our athletes and families have a presence at this event so that the Wildlife Federation will continue to support us in this manor in the future.

 There will be two seatings, one at 5:30 and one at 7:00, with 100 tickets sold at each seating.  Athletes will be needed at both seatings to clear tables, help serve, help clean up afterwards and interact with guests.  There will be a job for everyone!  

 The fish dinner is delicious and worth the drive.  The QVN race is scheduled for Jan. 25 and 26,  so many of you should be in the neighbourhood anyway!  Please support our sponsor at this event!

 I will be emailing club presidents with information on how to distribute tickets... tickets can be pre-purchased and picked up at the door.

 Thanks in advance for your support!

 Wendy Pletz


Biathlon Saskatchewan