SWF Biathlon Provincials - March 25 and 26

Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Biathlon Provincials

(Official Site of 2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games) 

(Snow is Great)

live registrations at: https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=15088  

Blue Mountain    

Sat Mar 25 Mass Start 

12:00 Zero 1:00 race

Sunday Mar 26 Sprint Race (with relay clips)

10:00 Zero 

$15. for one race, $25 for both 

Weiner roast to follow.

doug.sylvester@sasktel.net for more info

accommodations available at Blue Mountain     explorebluemountain.com

445 4941

SWF - Sask Cup #5


 The Biathlon SWF 5 race at the RWF is planned for Sunday afternoon - zero at 1:00.  Although thin in spots - we have full snow coverage --- Trail conditions, penalty loops, White Butte (Cherry Hills), and grooming are fine - no need for rock skis.  Challenging course loops will be set for all levels and experiences.

Trail conditions at www.reginaskiclub.com 

Directions Regina By-Pass

Please note that the RWF location is impacted by the Regina BY-Pass construction and access can be confusing.

for RWF map and GPS coordinates --->>  http://reginawildlifefederation.com/directions/    Regina Biathlon shares its range with the RAPs handgun club labled on the map.

For a map and directions see the excellent product developed for the XC provincals - also at the RWF this weekend - page 3.



The service makes our registration process very convenient - for banking and start list awareness, please use it.  Also, we are prepared for in-person registration up to the time of the zero.

Wildlife Federation Fundraiser

We would like to thank the Moose Jaw Wildlife Federation and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation for the fundraiser held in Moose Jaw in Sept 23/16. Presenting a cheque for $6000.00 are Moose Jaw Wildlife Federation President Harvey Messner and Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Executive Director Darrell Crabbe to Don Park Biathlon Saskatchewan President.

QVN Races Rescheduled to Jan 14 and 15 - Canmore Races Jan 7 and 8

For everyone still intending to go to Canmore to race at the event that was cancelled due to the cold, everything will be pretty much the same except about month later and hopefully warmer.

As a result we have rescheduled the QVN S.W.F Cup races to the following weekend.

Canmore - Jan 7, 8

QVN  - Jan 14, Jan 15

QVN (Lumsden) Races Rescheduled Jan 14,15

QVN Jan 14 Sprint

Zero 12:00 Race at 1:00 (shoot 2 times)

QVN Jan 15 Pursuit Start

zero 10:00 race 11:00 (shoot 4 times)

Cost for both days $25, one day $15. More info to follow. (Register on zone 4)

Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Cup #1 and #2

Location: Blue Mountain

Dec 3 Mass Start

Zero – 12:00, Race Start -1:00

Shoot three or four times depending on category, penalty loops for miss

Dec 4 Sprint Race

Zero- 10:00, Race Start -11:00 

Shoot two times

12:00 Awards, wiener roast

1:00-3:00 for those who can stay later, there will be an easy practice (mini camp) in the afternoon depending on conditions

Trail conditions: surprisingly good. (Bring Skis)

Ability Levels/Experience: All ages and levels are welcome.

Mandatory: You must be a valid member of Biathlon Saskatchewan to race. If not, sign up on the Biathlon Canada Webpage

To Register:  Go to zone4.ca

Cost: $25 for both days

Accommodations available onsite – ski out your front door – 306 445 4941


Frozen Thunder

Every winter the people at the Canmore Nordic Center make a big pile of mad-made snow when it is cold and then cover it in sawdust—this keeps it from melting over the summer. Then, around Oct 20th, they use dumptrucks to haul out the snow and make a trail that is 1-2 km long. This trail is perfect for early skiing in October and November and is great for getting a lot of volume skiing in before December rolls around and it is racing season. (Check it out for yourself on Youtube.)

Reports from our embedded sources in Canmore tell us the snow is great this season with the full 2 km figure eight track and better than usual snow and 30 snow lanes. There will be Trials races for the National Team on the 9th and 10th so the range will be closed those mornings. Also too, it looks like the Ukrainian National Team is training in Canmore this season so hopefully our own Ukrainian speaking athletes are present to act as translators.

Serious skiers form Saskatchewan often go there to:

1)     get used to skis rather than rollerskis

2)     put in lots of miles on skis – usually we ski two or three times per day

3)     practice shooting with skis on, practice rifle carrying (34 sec prone 32 standing shooting times)

4)     work on balance

5)     Eat as much bacon as possible at the Windtower Breakfast to make up for a whole year of doing without

 What to Know

We will be staying at the Windtower. Coach will buy range pass and trail pass so let him know you are coming.

Thurs Nov 10

Ski 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Fri Nov 11

Ski 7:30 Am- 9:00 am

Shooting (tentative) 10:30- 12:00

Ski 2:00 – 4:00

Optional Ski 7:00-8:00

 Sat Nov 12

Ski 7:30 Am- 9:00 am

Shooting (tentative) 10:30- 12:00

Ski 2:00 – 4:00

Optional Ski 7:00-8:00

 Sunday Nov 13

Ski 7:30 – 9:30


 What To Bring

A Head Lamp (a must) Boots, Bullets, Rifle, Homework

Bring Rock Skis, Good Skis, Classic Skis, Roller Skis

Lots of Water and Snacks (and a guitar if you have)

Biathlon Saskatchewan Record

Matt Hudec 2009- 203 km

Sask First High Performance Team Announced

Sask First High Performance Team Announced

Biathlon Saskatchewan is pleased to name the following athletes to the 2016 High Performance Squad.

Heather Gillespie (RWF), Brett Down (RWF, QVN), Nathan Kuntz (Moose Jaw) Michio Green (La Ronge), Taylor Harrington (La Ronge), Nolan Royer (Bullzi), Jesse Ehman (Bullzi) Aron Bargen (Blue Mountain) Chloe Bargen (Blue Mountain) Logan Pletz (QVN), Kyrilo Gnyp (Saskatoon) Cameron Merkowsky (Saskatoon) Hanne Stadnyk (Blue Mountain) Makenna Weir (QVN)  Tim Nemecek (RWF)

 What Is The HP (High Performance) Squad?

The Biathlon Saskatchewan Sask First High Performance Squad is a group of committed Biathletes who are interested in taking Biathlon to the next level. They train around 400 hrs per year and take part in year round training sessions. This includes rollerskiing in the summer and additional strength and conditioning in the gym, starting in the fall.

What is Our Goal? 

The aim of the Sask First Program is to provide support so that Saskatchewan Biathletes can challenge for podium performances at the National Championship level and beyond.

How Do I Get On The Sask First HP Squad?

If you want to be on the squad, get your club coach to contact the Provincial Coach with a recommendation.  The Biathlon Saskatchewan High Performance committee will make the final decisions.

Things to Know

There is a $200 yearly team fee that you must pay to be on the HP Squad, (in part to help cover the costs of the strength training), you should have a minors permit and have a valid passport, in case you end up traveling internationally at some point.

 Next Events

Looking towards peak performance at National Championships in Prince George Mar 7-12, the team will also be attending Nor Am 1 Dec 9-11 in Canmore as well as the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Cup Series at Blue Mtn, QVN and Bullzi.

Next Summer (tentatively around July 22) we will also be attending North American Roller Ski Championships in Canmore as we begin early preparations for Canada Winter Games (Red Deer 2019) qualifying with a team size of four guys and four girls. 

Cross Country 2016 Provincials - Deslile

On October 15, a strong contingent of Biathlon Saskatchewan Athletes from all over the province laced up their running shoes at the annual Saskatchewan High School Cross Country Running Provincials.

 Conditions were tough with chilly winds and a challenging course but all competitors finished in good form as they begin the transition onto skis and snow.


Everyone survived the start, which is similar to a rampaging herd of wild buffalos. 

Everyone survived the start, which is similar to a rampaging herd of wild buffalos.



Midget Girls – Taylor Harrington - Laronge                       47

Midget Boys – Cameron Merkowsky - Saskatoon             29

Jr Boys- Aron Bargen- Medstead                                40

Jr Boys- Logan Pletz    - Regina                                      3

Sr Girls- Chloe Bargen - Medstead                                52

Sr Boys – Michio Green - Air Ronge                                   6

Windtower Bookings - Frozen Thunder Camp and Calforex Cup #2

Windtower Bookings

Frozen Thunder Camp, November 10-13

Calforexcup #2 Dec 8-11

Please remember to book your room before Monday Oct 17 to get a super great deal on rooms at the Windtower in Canmore.

One Queen bed   (max 2 people)   69.00

One Bedroom Suite $99. (has a kitchen)

Two Bedroom Suite$159 (has a kitchen)

Check in at 3:00 Checkout at 1:00

Hot Breakfast and Underground Parking Included.

Windtower 403 609 6600

For Frozen Thunder Quote the Code BIA16

(Check in Nov 10thcheck out Nov 13)

optional ski practice for those who can make it 7:00Pm at Nordic Centre Nov 10

Note that the Nordic Centre restricts Frozen Thunder, available only to members of the Provincial Team or HP Squad. (Call Doug Sylvester if you aren’t sure but want to come)  445 6887 or by email   doug.sylvester@sasktel.net

Also, those of you that are coming, make sure to let me know as well so I can book shooting lanes hopefully on Monday.

For The Calforex Cup - Quote BIATHL

(Check in Dec 8, Check out Dec 11th)

optional ski practice for those who can make it 7:00 PM at Nordic Centre Dec 8 official practice Dec 9th (IBU categories in the morning , others in the afternoon) Available to all ages and all categories including air rifle and Masters.

Biathlon Sask. Swag Slogan Contest

Do you think you are funny? Do you dabble in sarcasm from time to time? Then step up to the plate and take aim at Biathlon Saskatchewan’s newest contest.


Come up with the next slogan and/or design to be used on Biathlon Saskatchewan swag. Do you have something that might look good on a toque, T-shirt or Bunnyhug or have a cooooool phrase or eye catching design that will turn heads?

Earn Prizes

If your slogan or design is chosen you will win free, autographed, limited first edition Biathlon Saskatchewan Merchandise.

Enter Now!

Email doug.sylvester@sasktel.net  

Contest Closes

November 30, 2016 with winners chosen at the first Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Cup #1 and #2 -  Dec 3,4 at Blue Mountain


Remember - No Geeks! No Sluggos! No Whiners!



Saskatchewan Winter Games 2018

The Sport of Biathlon has been officially selected for inclusion in Saskatchewan Winter Games to be held in North Battleford Feb 18-24, 2018 at Blue Mountain Adventure Center.


There will be three male and three female competitors per district. 


Athletes born 2003-2007 are eligible. (must have completed a firearm safety course previous to the games.

Coaches and Managers

One coach and one manager per district. Coaches must have their gold level or higher and both manager and coach must have a criminal record check. (Costs covered by Biathlon Sask.)

The Races

Sprint Mass Start and Mixed Relay.

Distance 4 km

Shooting- Using 22’s cal on prone targets at 50 meters using rests. 


The games need your support so please sign up in you are interested.

Doug Sylvester 306 445 6887   doug.sylvester@sasktel.net

 or, contact your local coach.


This will be a lot of fun. Free swag, free food, opening and closing ceremonies, team uniforms and an experience of a lifetime…guaranteed!