Officials Development

Volunteers Officials are a very important part of hosting fun and safe races for all participants. Officials play many roles during a race.  Biathlon Saskatchewan supports Officials training.

Entry Level Official

To be licensed as an official, (parent volunteers are still encouraged to help out at races) there is a training program for introductory officials. The training program includes both the completion of modules offered on the internet and competition experience. 

You may study each of the modules on your own time at your own pace. A multiple-choice test follows each module. Competition experience can be gained through hosting a race at your own club and helping with races at other clubs. 

To be licensed as a biathlon official, you must complete at least five of the eight study modules and achieve satisfactory performance during competition in each of the five areas. 

Biathlon Saskatchewan encourages you to successfully complete all eight modules and related competition experience.  This will help you have the knowledge and skills needed to volunteer in any of the numerous, non-supervisory officiating positions at a biathlon competition.

The 8 modules are:

  • Course
  • Timing
  • Results
  • Start-Finish
  • Stadium-Support
  • Equipment Check
  • Penalty Loop
  • Range

Quick Facts about the Modules

  • Each module is a stand-alone qualification for work in a particular area.
  • The modules can be studied in any order.
  • You may take as much time as desired to complete each module, but it is expected the average time needed will be about 1 1/2 hours.

Competition Experience

After completing a module and test, you need to gain practical, competition experience in that particular area. You must serve as an official in each module study area for at least one full day of competition. For a weekend, two-day biathlon event, you may work each day in a different area to satisfy the requirements for competition experience in two modules. Your experience as an official in competition will be assessed by your Supervisor (Provincial Coach).

Getting Started

To access the Entry Level Officials Development Program, you require a username and password issued by Biathlon Canada. Please send the following information in an email titled “Officials Password” to

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • City & Province
  • Postal Code
  • Email address
  • Club Name
  • Division Name

For More Information

Advanced Officials Development

To become an official that takes on one of the more important roles at a biathlon race such as Chief of Range, Chief of Course, Chief of Timing and Chief of Competition you must attend more in-depth training, which normally takes place over a weekend. 

To host a major race such as Nationals or Western Canadian Championships, these officials are required. Normally, a learning facilitator is brought in to give the weekend clinic with costs being covered by Biathlon Saskatchewan. To hold a clinic in your community, contact (Provincial Coach) for more information.