SWF Biathlon Cup - #5 & #6 - Moved to Blue Mountain
/From Merle
The range and trail conditions at the Regina Wildlife Federation remain satisfactory for our weekly group training; however, we decided that the extra quality and depth of snow needed to support 2 days of racing is just not good enough. We need at least 1 full inch of hard pack on the icy base to turn these conditions around, to allow for safety of hill climbs and connections to White Butte Park. The weather forecast does not indicate any chance of that, so we are moving our race to Blue Mountain. Sorry of the short notice.
Discussions with Doug: (Maximize flexibility and fun.) Race formats TBA.
Saturday - zero at 12:00 - race at 1:00 ski practice camp after.
Sunday - zero early morning (9:00), finish near noon. Wiener roast lunch.
$15 for one day - $25 for 2 days.
This race is intended to be FUN and a challenging learning experience for our novices up to HP - of all ages. Those without any biathlon experience are welcome to start on these days.