SWF Biathlon Cup # 7 & #8 - March 3 & 4
/March 3 and 4
Regina hosted races - Regina Wildlife Federation 12:00 zero on Saturday and 10:00 zero on Sunday.
Cost - $15 for one day, $25 for two days.
Saturday evening group Pizza meal $15 (pizza, lasagna, salad, soda. coffee) http://jamesonsongrant.com (please pay in advance - including parents - so the venue can plan for staff and food) Hotdog roast - noonish on Sunday.
Note: With highway construction - the access is changed. You need to be on the transCanada - north service road between Pilot Butte and White City. From the north service, the road north to the Regina Wildlife Federation is now called Stone Point Road (is directly north of the White City Arena). The security gate will be open.
see all on Saturday. any questions => Merle cell 737 4585