SWF Biathlon Cup #3 and #4 - Jan 12 and 13

Regina Biathlon Club is pleased to host 2 days of races Jan 12 and 13, 2019.

Saturday - late start - noon zero, 1:00 race
Sunday - early start - 9:30 zero, 10:30 race (hot dog fire pit after)

Saturday evening -- Western Pizza south Albert Street (across from Superstore) -- $15 pp -- please pay for all family members attending via zone4

Cost for racing remains the same as previous years at  $15 pp per day or $25 for both days.

Zone4.ca sign-up.

Late registrations and race/pizza payments welcome up to time of the Zero.


All ages and abilities and experiences will be accomodated.  We have injured skiers who will be accomodated.  Master Class will be accomodated.  If interest -- especially from our novice Masters group and out-of-shape recreational athletes -- we will offer:  the "Ice, Advil, and Beer" class - laps and routes TBA at the start line. (will be more fun than the - Fast and Fossil group.)

RWF biathlon range will have the gate open.  Location maps on reginabiathlonclub.ca.

Ski Trails ARE in excellent shape including the Cherry Hills of White Butte Park.  We have been training on snow since early December.  Come race then spend time after with a family ski on the entire trail system...

Thanks to the generous sponsors SaskMilk, FAE, RWF, SWF, the Union of Grain Elevator Employees! and to the RSC for the loan of the snowmobile and roller packer!!


Merle Boyle
text 306 737 4585  home 306 585 1320  merleboyle@sasktel.net